Monday, March 16, 2009


Hello everyone,*

Well, Spring is certainly in the air here in Pasadena, with plenty of sun and temperatures in the 70s. We've been quite busy with a number of projects, so the aforementioned post about the planters is still forthcoming.

In the meantime, the flowers have been busy in their own right, and certainly haven't waited around for us: they're already popping like popcorn. The daffodils were among the first, as were a few poppy interlopers. The jasminum polyanthum is still 95% buds, but a few early clusters have already perfumed the air. Along with the pittosporum trees, which have exploded in the last week, aroma is quite intoxicating.

The peach tree blossoms are still teasing, and the wisteria is promising a most impressive display...


Peach (prunus persica)

Jasminum polyanthum

Unidentified daffodils! (narcissus)

Aeonium tabuliforme

*Karl Haas fans, anyone?

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