Rosa 'Julia Child' - Julia Child Rose
...and our current Rosa 'Julia Child' at Lenkin Garden
Osteospermum- African Daisy
....and our current Osteospermum-African Daisy
Simple and elegant landscaping for garden lovers. Brought to you by Lenkin Design.
I can only speak for the Osteospermum! They are hybridized so much these days that they often revert back to one of their original parents after a while. Here in Washington we look at those little gems as annuals because our winter is to harsh. You have probably had that one for a few seasons and it has decided to revert. I miss the California weather. As I write this it has just dumped 4 inches of snow on us. We do like to play in it, but I can't wait for spring to get back into the garden.
Hello all at Lenkin Design!
I think a lot of plants(and gardeners!) have been confused by the strangley variable weather that we have had this year!
I think Max's Mom is probably right about the osteospernum, although none of the ones that i have have ever reverted. The good news is that the new color is pretty(looks like one of the pretty symphony types from Proven Winners, since they come from different nurseries, maybe some variation happened in the breeding process)! The new color looks like it will be beautiful in your garden as well!
Will ask some questions about the rose, and see what they say.
I think there is what we call an atmospheric affect on those flowers. Sometimes this happens because of the changes in weather the soil has no enough nutrients for the plants to absorb. One factor also includes the lack of water or exposure to sunlight.
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